Is Yoga Strength Training or Cardio?

Is Yoga Strength Training Or Cardio

Is yoga strength training? Yoga has a long history of being associated with a comprehensive approach to mental and physical health. It is often...
Shower Before or After Yoga - What's the Best Practice?
It's important to keep your personal hygiene up while doing yoga. It keeps you tidy and also promotes health and civility in those around...
What is Vinyasa Yoga: Exploring the Benefits and Practice
Introducing the vibrant and fluid style of vinyasa yoga to the globe. One of the most well-liked yoga forms nowadays is vinyasa yoga, also...
Meditation Before Or After Yoga? - Maximize Your Yoga Practice
Meditation and yoga have been connected for millennia, both of which originated in ancient India. While they are separate disciplines, they have a strong...
Meditation Hand Positions
Mudras, or meditation hand positions, are important aspects of meditation practice. During meditation, these meditation hand positions have a tremendous effect on the way...
Yoga and Meditation – Benefits, Differences and Which is best?
These days, yoga and meditation have become quite popular among those who want to live lives that are balanced, peaceful, and well-rounded. These two...

” The yoga how passionate about yoga. Here to helping to

 learn about how to do yoga, mediation, yoga poses and lifestyle while bringing inspiring yogis

             best practices for your                 lives. “



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Must Read

Yoga Poses

here we are discussing about yoga poses and their benfits Read more


Meditation is practice that clear your mind using a combination of mental and physical techniques that makes you focus.


Quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul


Read this amazing articles about foundation for yoga.

Yoga and Meditation – Benefits, Differences and Which is best?