Headaches from Yoga – Learn How to Deal With it

Headaches from Yoga: Learn How to Deal With it
Headaches from Yoga: Learn How to Deal With it

Are you experiencing headaches from yoga? You are doing yoga for its health benefits and the way it calms your mind and body. Yet, not everyone notices its positive effects.

Some people may suffer from headaches after doing yoga or maybe during the middle of the session.

But don’t fret; we have an answer for that. For you to enjoy more in your next yoga session,

We will have to adjust a few things in your habit and diet.

So, the following are the reasons why a pesky headache from yoga occurs.

Reasons why a pesky headache from yoga occurs


Even when you are not practicing yoga, once your body gets dehydrated, headaches will occur, and it is frequently seen among hot yoga practitioners.

It is advisable to keep your body hydrated, not only before and after practice, but throughout the day.

Water is best for hydrating your body, while juice and coffee are not recommended. The amount of water you need to replenish the body varies from person to person.

The more sweaty you are, the more water is needed to replenish the body to avoid headaches from yoga after the session.

Here, In this article provide best ways to deal with sweating in yoga sessions

Incorrect Alignment

Are you getting headaches from yoga right after or during certain postures? It may likely be that the problem is due to improper alignment.

Bending your body too far may result in pinching your nerve.

If you experience headaches from yoga and assume that it was caused by improper alignment, you might ask your instructor to change and adjust your approach and position.

Muscle Tensions

You can also develop headaches from yoga if you have too much muscle tension.

Try to relax and observe where you can feel the stiffening, stress, or tension in your body so you can distinguish what poses create tension and where it is located.

You can learn breathing techniques and poses to help you manage your muscle tension and stress in your body.

Warms Up Your Muscles

First things first, before you jump into any activities, you must warm-up your body before doing any hard maneuvers.

Warm-up exercises help loosen up your blood vessels and joints so that your body can handle increased blood circulation and blood flow. This way, your body is prepared for your yoga class and you can avoid headaches from yoga.

Doing Breathing Exercises

can also help with the circulation of blood within your body; thus, helping prevent headaches or migraines. Simple breathing exercises such as pursed-lip breathing, diaphragmatic breathing, breath focus technique, etc.

Apply Essential Oils

Whether it’s lavender, peppermint, chamomile, rosemary, or eucalyptus -essential oils can help ease your stress, boost your mood, and soothe headaches and migraines.

Extracted from exotic plants through distillation or cold pressing, these highly concentrated liquids may be inhaled or applied to the skin or the temples. Essential oils can be used before or after your yoga exercises to stimulate your senses to attain a better experience.

Just remember that there are certain oils for certain benefits, and these may vary according to the conditions that your body is feeling.

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

It is always important to drink water before, during, and after your yoga exercises. It is vital for your body’s replenishment and can prevent further side effects of dehydration, such as fatigue.

Though juices or coffee may be an option, nothing beats a calorie-free drink that is inexpensive and beneficial to your bank account and your body.

When doing yoga or any other physical exercise, a minimum of 8 glasses per day may be lacking, so make sure to drink water now and then.

Low Blood Sugar

You can get headaches from yoga if your blood sugar is low.

Although exercises can greatly reduce headaches due to the released endorphins and heightened blood flow to your brain, exercising with an empty stomach can worsen your headache because your blood sugar levels are dropping.

Avoiding processed foods that have many additives and chemicals can help with your headaches in the long run.

You can try consuming high-protein and low-carb snacks before practicing yoga.


When you’re new to the practice of yoga, your muscles might not be used to the exercise yet,

and it may lead to muscle tension, which then leads to headaches. Though yoga is not typically a strenuous form of exercise, overexerting yourself can increase pressure on the brain’s blood vessels.

Having to take it step by step is important as yoga is all about the breathing and the form of the body.

Moving from a beginner to an advanced sequence immediately may cause your body to shock since you might not be capable of following such courses yet.

You may have experienced at least one of these five possible causes of a headache from yoga. Where this is a problem, there will be a solution.

To prevent yourself from having trouble from yoga ever again,

Here are suggested home remedies that can help reduce the occurrences of getting a headache or a migraine from yoga.

Home remedies

Eat Banana

If you want to eat before doing any yoga, a banana or two can help you avoid headaches from yoga.

Bananas are well known for curing mild headaches and boosting your energy. Plus, it is rich in potassium which can also alleviate mild migraines and headaches.

It is filled with vitamins such as vitamins B-6 and C that can help lower blood pressure and improves the pumping of blood, thereby decreasing the chances of having headaches after exercising or, in this case, yoga.

The magnesium in bananas is said to assist in the relaxation of muscles, and even with its fiber contents,

It can aid you in weight loss and digestion.

Consume Salt (A Real One)

Staying hydrated is a very good decision. but you also need to replenish the minerals in your body, and salt is the most important of them all.

Your body may need more salt in your diet, but don’t worry; salt is not so bad as we think, especially if your body is sweating excessively and you are experiencing headaches from yoga.

Not all salts are natural; some have missing needed minerals and are then added with chemicals. On the other hand, real salt is natural.


It would be best if you did not fear that whenever you do get headaches from yoga, you know why and how a problem from yoga may occur.

More so, there are always remedies to follow to improve your health, and your body is adjusting to yoga or any forms of exercise.

When you are having headaches from yoga, sometimes, it discourages you and can make you give up. But, there are also more reasons why you are having a headache.

The good news is that your problem has a simple solution.

Staying hydrated always, consuming healthy foods and minerals, and always preparing your body before and after doing yoga are things you need to do to avoid getting headaches from yoga.